Last year, I ran into a Call for chapters for a book on Open Online Courses edited by Rita Kop,...
Archive for category: Personal Learning Environments
Aunque el trabajo que he venido realizando desde 2007 ha estado siempre orientado alrededor de la idea del Ambiente...
El día 12 de Agosto tendré el gusto de dar inicio a dos nuevas experiencias de aprendizaje en línea,...
The Open Education Conference 2010 is almost here, and I'll have the opportunity to present there some of...
Well, this "thinking out loud" thing is something I'm not really used to (I'm trying to learn), so please...
Like always, I'm having a hard time making myself to write in English, even though I know how important...
On November 20 we'll begin a new series of EduCamps in several cities in Colombia. That's more than enough...