New Year’s Message

Although a little late (Christmas is over now) I'd like to wish, both to my readers and everyone that helped me to start and to make possible so many projects (both personal and professional), a wonderful 2008. May this be the beginning of new and fantastic opportunities in your lives.

A little "home made" message:

I hope to keep learning from you in the new year, the same way I have in this one.

Thank you everyone for making 2007 a memorable year!

P.S. I didn't get to put a "Play again" button, so if you couldn't see all the message, please reload the page. :|

Sobre el autor

Soy Diego Leal . Mi propósito es ayudar a individuos y organizaciones educativas a descubrir un sentido de posibilidad frente al futuro, por medio de experiencias de aprendizaje innovadoras y memorables. Me sorprende lo poco que sabemos y lo mucho que creemos saber.

©2007-2025 Diego E. Leal Fonseca. Partes de este sitio están disponibles bajo licencia Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

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