EduCamp: a workshop to make visible what social networked learning is all about

A few months ago, and taking as a starting point the presentation I did in OpenEd'09, I started to write an account of the work I did from 2007 to 2009 with the EduCamp workshops.  It took longer than expected, but finally I have a full draft (release candidate, let's say) in English, which complements the chapter I wrote last year for this book edited by Alejandro Piscitelli and published by Espacio Fundación Telefónica of Argentina.

I'm deeply grateful to Stephen Downes, Scott Leslie and Linda Ashworth, who were extremely kind and took (a lot of) time to read the initial draft.  I learned a lot from their suggestions, which definitely improved this version. It's important to say, though, that any error lingering in the document is my responsibility, not theirs. :D

So far, the document doesn't include any info about the workshop I did with secondary school students a few months ago, so it's an account of things that happened in 2007-2009.  I'll have to find an opportunity to talk a bit more about it.

If you distribute this draft, please keep in mind that it is exactly that, a draft, and that there's a lot of room for improvement.  Of course, if you have suggestions and comments, I'll be quite happy to hear them.

UPDATE (2010/10/13):  I uploaded a second draft of this document, which includes additional information and reads a little better.  The title was changed to better reflect the content.

If you want a PDF version: first draft, second draft.

Sobre el autor

Soy Diego Leal . Mi propósito es ayudar a individuos y organizaciones educativas a descubrir un sentido de posibilidad frente al futuro, por medio de experiencias de aprendizaje innovadoras y memorables. Me sorprende lo poco que sabemos y lo mucho que creemos saber.

©2007-2025 Diego E. Leal Fonseca. Partes de este sitio están disponibles bajo licencia Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

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