Innovación pedagógica: Ideas para avanzar

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Durante la presentación hago mención de diversas estadísticas, datos y recursos.   Aquí se encuentran, organizados según las secciones de la presentación.

Innovación pedagógica: ¿Qué?

Bania, J., & Banerjee, I. (2020). Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Higher Education: A Critical Review. Global University Network for Innovation.

Bernal, J. (2017). Evolución conceptual e importancia de la andragogía para la optimización del alcance de los programas y proyectos académicos universitarios de desarrollo rural. Revista Electrónica Educare, 21(1).

Blaschke, L. M. (2012). Heutagogy and Lifelong Learning: A Review of Heutagogical Practice and Self-Determined Learning. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 13(1).

Blaschke, L. M., & Hase, S. (2016). Heutagogy: A Holistic Framework for Creating Twenty-First-Century Self-determined Learners. In B. Gros, Kinshuk, & M. Maina (Eds.), The Future of ubiquitous Computing (pp. 25–41). Springer.

Davis, L. (2018). Heutagogy Explained: Self-Determined Learning in Education. Schoology Exchange.

Dede, C., & Richards, J. (2020). The 60-Year Curriculum: New Models for Lifelong Learning in the Digital Economy. Routledge.

Duke Learning Innovation. (2020). How can I encourage academic integrity? Duke Flexible Teaching.

Feathers, T. (2021). Schools are abandoning invasive proctoring software after student backlash. Motherboard, Tech by Vice.

Gratton, L., & Scott, A. (2016). The 100 year life. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Hellemans, K., Abizaid, A., Gabrys, R., McQuaid, R., & Patterson, Z. (2020). For university students, COVID-19 stress creates perfect conditions for mental health crises. The Conversation.

Hughes, C. (2020). COVID-19, higher education and the impact on society: what we know so far and what could happen. World Economic Forum.

IESALC. (2020). COVID-19 y educación superior : De los efectos inmediatos al día después.

Johnson, T. (2020). Teaching Through a Pandemic: Cognitive Load, Mental Health and Learning Under Stress. University of Denver Office for Teaching and Learning.

Lee, J. (2020). A Neuropsychological Exploration of Zoom Fatigue. Psychiatric Times.

McGowan, H., Shipley, C., & Friedman, T. (2020). The Adaptation Advantage: Let Go, Learn Fast, and Thrive in the Future of Work. Wiley.

Means, B., & Neisler, J. (2020). Suddenly Online: A National Survey of Undergraduates During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Pohan, C. (2020). Reducing Cognitive Load (and not rigor). University of California Merced, Center for Engaged Teaching and Learning.

Rajput, J. (2020). Cognitive overload during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A student’s response to Sewell et al. Medical Education.

Rodriguez Hoyos, J. J., & Rúa Ceballos, N. A. (2020). Escenarios de la educación superior antes , durante y después de la crisis suscitada por la COVID-19 Nada es para siempre. Fondo Editorial Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid.

Schroeder, R. (2021). Zoom Fatigue: What We Have Learned. Inside Higher Ed.

Swauger, S. (2020). Remote testing monitored by AI is failing the students forced to undergo it. Think.

Ziegler, S., Arias, J., Bosio, M., & Camacho, K. (2020). Conectividad rural en América Latina y el Caribe: un puente al desarrollo sostenible en tiempos de pandemia.


Innovación pedagógica: ¿Quién?

Dellot, B., Mason, R., & Wallace-Stephens, F. (2019). The Four Futures of Work Coping with uncertainty in an age of radical technologies.

Martín-Retortillo, T. (2019). Reshaping the Professional and Personal Career. IE Insights.

Martínez, J. (2020). Tus neuronas colaboran (y no abandonan tu cerebro). Javier Martínez.

McGowan, H., & Shipley, C. (2017). STOP Asking What…and Start asking WHY.


Innovación pedagógica: ¿Dónde?

Abdul-Jabbar, M., & Kurshan, B. (2015). Educational Ecosystems: A Trend in Urban Educational Innovation. Perspectives on Urban Education, 12(1), 7–13.

Cavallo, D., Senger, H., & Gomes, A. S. (2016). Inovação e Criatividade na Educação Básica: Dos conceitos ao ecossistema. Revista Brasileira de Informática Na Educação, 24(2), 143–161.

Choque Larrauri, R. (2009). Ecosistema educativo y fracaso escolar. In Revista Iberoaméricana de Educación (Vol. 4, Issue 49). certificada por la FECYT


Innovación pedagógica: ¿Con qué?

McGowan, H., Shipley, C., & Friedman, T. (2020). The Adaptation Advantage: Let Go, Learn Fast, and Thrive in the Future of Work. Wiley.

Dede, C., & Richards, J. (2020). The 60-Year Curriculum: New Models for Lifelong Learning in the Digital Economy. Routledge.

Kwik, J. (2020). Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life. Hay House.

Hawkins, J. (2021). A thousand brains. Basic Books.

Fundación Telefónica. (2014). Las 100 Innovaciones educativas: Proyectos eficaces para fomentar las vocaciones científico-tecnológicas (STEM).

Fundación Telefónica. (2016). Top 100 Innovaciones educativas 2016: Educar para la sociedad digital.

Law, N., Yuen, A., & Fox, R. (2011). Educational Innovations Beyond Technology: Nurturing Leadership and Establishing Learning Organizations. Springer.

Looi, C.-K., & Teh, L. W. (2015). Scaling educational innovations. Springer.

Perlman, J., Winthrop, R., McGivney, E., Robinson, J. P., Winthrop, R., & McGivney, E. (2016). Millions learning: Scaling up quality education in developing countries. Center for Universal Education.

Leadbeater, C., & Wong, A. (2010). Learning from the Extremes. Cisco.


Innovación pedagógica: ¿Por qué?

Barber, M. (2021). Gravity assist : Propelling higher education towards a brighter future. assist/Gravity-assist-DTL-finalforweb.pdf


Innovación pedagógica: ¿Cómo?

Leal, D. (2011). EduCamp Colombia: Social networked learning for teacher training. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 12(3), 60–79.

Leal, D. (2011). Ambientes Personales de Aprendizaje en el desarrollo profesional docente (pp. 139–165). Centro Ceibal – ANEP.

Leal, D. (2011). Cursos abiertos en línea: ¿un escenario para la gestión personal del conocimiento? Revista do Serviço Público, 62(3), 281–296.

Leal, D. (2010). Open online courses in Colombia:  Report of an educational and technological experiment.

Leal, D. (2010). Aprendizaje en un mundo conectado: Cuando participar (y aprender) es “hacer click” (A. Piscitelli, I. Adaime, & I. Binder (eds.); pp. 163–182). Editorial Ariel / Fundación Telefónica. proyecto Facebook_y_la_posuniversidad_07_05_10.pdf

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Conectivismo y aprendizaje en red

El conectivismo como teoría de aprendizaje emergente

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