Seminar in Bogotá, Colombia

So, the last week we held the Seminar Workshop "Strategies for the use of High Speed Networks and Learning Objects" in Bogotá. We were lucky enough to have presentations by Stephen Downes, Peter Stucki, Rachel Smith, Christina Siroskey, Victor Castelo and Tom Boyle. The event's proceedings will be available soon in the ColombiaAprende portal. So far, here are links to some comments on the first day presentations, posted by Stephen Downes in his Half an hour blog:

If I can find the time to translate them, I will publish later more info about the speakers.

Sobre el autor

Soy Diego Leal . Mi propósito es ayudar a individuos y organizaciones educativas a descubrir un sentido de posibilidad frente al futuro, por medio de experiencias de aprendizaje innovadoras y memorables. Me sorprende lo poco que sabemos y lo mucho que creemos saber.

©2007-2025 Diego E. Leal Fonseca. Partes de este sitio están disponibles bajo licencia Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

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